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Erie Canal - Western New York Experience (4 days & 3 nights)

The Lockport Cave is a natural cave beneath the city of Lockport, New York.

GATEWAY: Buffalo

One of the most fascinating experiences of the Erie Canal is located in Lockport to North Tonawanda, aptly called the‚ Gateway to the Erie Canal‚ In addition to the Lockport Caves and the Erie Canal Museum there is the Erie Canal Cruises ride on the actual Canal and along the way feel what it's like to be raised 50 feet as you pass through historic Locks 34 & 35. There is also the Herschell Carrousel Factory Museum that is a National Historic Site. In Buffalo there is the Albright-Knox Art Gallery that houses paintings from 3000 BC, and Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site downtown on Delaware Avenue. And lastly, there is a tour of the Frank Lloyd Wright‚ Darwin D. Martin House Complex that was built from 1903 to 1905.

Highlight Inclusions:

  • Erie Canal Museum (Lockport)
  • Lockport Caves
  • Erie Canal Cruise on the Canal
  • Herschell Carrousel Factory Museum
  • Albright-Knox Art Gallery
  • Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site
  • Frank Lloyd Wrights Darwin D Martin House Complex

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