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Charter Bus Guided Group Tour ...relaxation is just part of the experience.

Wine . History . Shopping Get A Way ...Central NY Geneva Area (3 days & 2 nights)

DEPARTS: Daily, May 15 through October 31

Make Geneva your home while traveling east along the Cayuga-Seneca Canal to such divergent attractions in Auburn as the Seward House Museum, home of William Seward, Secretary of State under President Abraham Lincoln and the Cayuga Museum & Case Research Laboratory, site of the invention of early sound motion pictures. And also, visit the Women's Rights National Historical Park in Seneca Falls. It was here in 1848 that the women's suffrage movement began. There is time for a visit to Fox Run Vineyards and Anthony Road Winery as well as some shopping at the Waterloo Premium Outlet Center.

Highlight Inclusions:

  • Seward House Museum
  • Cayuga Museum & Case Research Laboratory
  • Women‚Äôs Rights National Historical Park
  • Fox Run Vineyards
  • Anthony Road Winery
  • Waterloo Premium Outlet Center

Tour Inclusions:
all sightseeing attractions listed above, tour guide, accommodations for two nights.
Tour price from $249.00 per person based on two in a room

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