United States Military Academy West Point
West Point NY 10996
Designated areas open to visitors. First United States military post built after the Declaration of Independence. Oldest military academy in the United States. ...Site ...Search ...Map
Constitution Island
West Point NY 10996
Constitution Island is part of West Point, the United States Military Academy, a National Registered Landmark. The Island is most famous for the Great Chain that was placed across the Hudson during the Revolutionary War and the Warner family who lived on the Island during the 19th century. ...Site ...Search ...Map
Warner House Susan/Anna Warner
West Point NY
(Suffrage / WRANYS)
Home of sisters who were best-selling 19th century authors. Wrote Wide Wide World, Jesus Loves Me. Entertained West Point cadets on Sundays in their home on Constitution Island. Now owned by West Point. �1836-1915. House ...Site ...Search ...Map
GPS: 41.3707435,-74.0127425